Thursday, April 7, 2011

Pineheaven Farm

Our AWESOME Co-Op visited a self sustaining farm today.
here is the link
The farm has bees, chickens, 4 goats and a large organic garden.
It was GREAT to teach the kids about the cycle the farm goes through in order to sustain on their own.
The kids were the most surprised about the composting.
Parker: "You mean to tell me you put the goat's poo in your dirt?"
The kids all had a chance to milk one of the goats. After two of the goats were milked (each yielding a half gallon WOW) Jeannie the, farm owner, had the kids make butter.
She used cow's cream and put it in jars and for the next 30 minutes or so kids and parents alike walked around shaking the mason jars.
Wah La ... butter
he kids gathered on a set of stairs and spread the butter on crackers.
My boys were so confused when they realized it was not whipped cream.
The butter was so soft and fluffy, absolutely delicious.
The most fun was the chicken coupe.
The boys LOVED running around and catching the chickens.
They were so gentile and determined to get those fast suckers.
Next we roamed the gardens and Jeannie allowed the kids to pick and eat, ending in some severe dislikes and some surprising likes.
GREAT day on the farm.
After it was over I received a huge hug from Parker and he said
"I love you Mama, thanks this one was the best"
I am guessing he meant out of all the field trips so far.
Thanks Co-Op
My FAVORITE picture of the day

Goats Milk
The farm had the biggest fattest worms we had ever seen

Shake that butter boys

Butter on crackers


Cole, Lucas and Cohen
We ended the day at this awesome park in Montclair


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