Monday, September 29, 2008

Wow!!! An awesome visit with my Cousin's Alicia and Devry and Alicia's two boys Connor and Carson, who came all the way from Alaska. The boys are such a pleasure and the adults arn't bad either. The stay was full of giggles and fun in the sun. The boys got along famously and loved the time together. We took a trip to the Santa Ana Zoo where were tried to make them adopt our monkeys, but the plan did not go so smooth. The boys LOVED the train and the carousel ride. SEE...
Cohen pretending to be a dragon
Alicia and Carson

Aunt Dana and Connor
That says it all!!! HAMS

Then back at the Stockbridge nudest camp the boys enjoyed running in the sprinkler and taking in the CA sunshine. Can you tell they are in HEAVEN?

Aunt Debbie and Tom came for an awesome visit with the motor home. The boys loved the all access to the beach, fling kites and roasting marsh mellows. They did not seem to care the very cold wind froze their sandy snot to their faces or that the wind would drive the kite straight in to the ground. All they were excited for were the dogs, the motor home, Sam the parrot and most importantly Debbie and Tom. What a fun trip!


Saturday, September 13, 2008

We're straight booty

Well, another beautiful day in the LBC. As you most likely know the boys (Parker especially) have a love of everything Pirate. Ever since the first look see of Peter Pan Parker has been all argggg... and ahoy mayteeeee... Today was Pirate Day at Sunrise Pier here in LB and c'mon ya gotta HOOK it up for that PUN INTENDED! So, we spent a day down with the scoundrels and wenches. Take a gander at our venture on dry land maytee.
PS Day was great, but I really notice how special Long Beach is on a day like today with these off the chain community events LOTS of neck tattoos and I saw a guy pulling a wagon with two young kids taking a sip from a flask. Gotta LOVE LA y'all.

ode to Cohen

Well, with Parker in school all day Cohen and I can reconnect. He is such a booger I love that little it's it. Potty Training is in full effect and slowly he is getting in touch with the process of NOT IN PANTS! He is excited for Halloween and talks about his costume all the time. My Mom and I took Cohen and Brody to the train station yesterday and the boys had a blast. This AM Cohen showed me the Daddy in him as he rocked out. I am sure the neighbors are pleased. Well, just thought I would give Bean his day in the sun and post some funny Cohen pictures.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First is NOT worst!

It's here ... 1st grade YIPEE!!!!! I walked my first grader to his first day of school this morning and boy did he luck out. Not only did he get the teacher he wanted, but the 20 kids that shared his Kindergarten year will all share the 1st grade class in his new year to come. Same buddies for him and same awesome Moms for me. Enjoy the pictures and be prepared to be amazed at what 3 months can do to a child WOW he has grown.
Side note: Yesterday we did the hair cut extravaganza before the first day of the big school and as I was eyeing a home for sale sign Parker said 
Parker: "Wow Mom, that house is cool how many rooms are in it?"
Mom: "There are four babe"
Parker: "Cool, lets move there Mom then you can finally have your own room!"