Saturday, August 18, 2007

Fast Summer

Summer is nearing it's end and the boys have grown SO very much.

I keep pretending time is going slow, but I get the boys pictures taken and time tells in the photos. Parker is a "real boy" or shall I say kid and Cohen is no longer fit for baby, but toddler. Mommies wrinkles are deeper and I am more tired today than yesterday. Thank God for the twilight years to come, finally I will get a break!

Today was another WONDERFUL Mom day of AM park with a trail hike. Watching Parker yell "keep up" and Cohen stopping to pretend to smell the flowers. The sun was hot and I feared of not enough water and sunblock not of what True Hollywood Story was on next (thank you TIVO). I was more concerned with germs on the swings than the sweat dripping off my NO makeup wearin' 30 year old (almost 31) face. I slathered the kids in 50 block and realized when we got to the car my shoulders were a bit more than kissed from the sun . . . oops . . . again. We came home and the boys reluctantly napped. Instead of sleeping myself ON SATURDAY I might add. Mom called Netflix and looked up "What a tortoise owner needs to know" on the Internet, cleaned the bathroom, pre made lunch and dreamed of it being 6 pm so I could guilelessly have a glass of wine.

When the boys awoke I found myself nervous of them having too much sleep and not going to bed at a decent hour, so back to the park we went. Hitting an imaginary home run and doing secret hand shakes when you slide in to home. Teaching Cohen to yell "hey batta, batta" and listening to toddler cursing "awe man" when he dropped his water in the dirt. By the way when I say dirt I mean the red sandlot dirt in their nose, ears, hair all the while Cohen having a turd in his diaper. Home to change the stinker.

Andy's gone so Mamma no cookin'! Chic-fill-a for dinner and to have then run more in the parasite infested play structure. Whatever, Dads been gone for a week. No sleep or a small parasite? Small Parasite it is.

Came home popcorn and Peter Pan. Mamma smells like BO kids get a bath. Water the Garden and grass . . . hurry lawn grow.


only and hour and a half till stories, kisses, songs, hugs, and sleep.

Saturday done . . . Sunday on the way.

Love you all


Monday, August 6, 2007

My NEWBE post

Well I am an official "blogger" now, I guess. This is just the next best way to share my thoughts and "what not" with the friends and family near and far and c'mon who doesn't need a good Parker story now and again?
We have had a CRAZY summer traveling to Tahoe and up to Alaska for a action packed vacation. Now we are back in LA anticipating the beginning (again) of Kindergarten and weeping at the pending end of Summer.
Parker starts kindergarten the first week of September and is ecstatic. While we were on our Summer travels Parker also got his first loose tooth, but even more surprising was the one adult one growing behind it. Parker is also a TOTAL Lego Star Wars fan with a on and off again relationship with Pirates and skeletons. He LOVES to swim and is doing so well that this summer was his first willing trip ALONE into the deep end with my sister's pool cleaner named Charlie (don't ask). Then it was cannon balls off the diving board. Now I am complete and my oldest baby is water safe . . . kinda. We have been seeing a behavioral therapist suggested by Parker's pediatrician and pre-school teacher, but as hard as they try to label him with some disorder or syndrome he always falls right on the line of maybe this maybe not. Andy and I tend to lean toward our son is just SUPER active with an amazing imagination that goes for days. He "just wants to dance"! His "problems" with sitting still we hope with time will work itself out and he will get the routine of school is not ALL play. We will see.
Cohen is 18 months now and will do ANYTHING Parker does regardless of the repercussions. Including a long walk off a short pier as long as Parker or "Kaker" is leading the way. Cohen has NO balance and even though he was walking sooner, he still trips on his own big feet. His Nickname is Coco like the monkey or Grace cause of his lack thereof. His new sentence that I hear often is "Are you kidding me"? and most of the time I'm not. He is beautiful, funny and has a fascination with the Wiggles and Curious George. Plus he has a mean ass boogie. I am amazed every day how durable and pliable the number two child is.
Andrew is hard at work and is anticipating a week long trip he will be taking this month to Scotland for work. Yeah, that's gotta suck. Mommy stays home, but I got the Alaska trip so you win some and kinda loose some. Andrew is happy with Daddy duties and we jump to Disneyland as much as we can for an evening get away.
I am doing pretty good with Mom junk. Summer camp is coming up for Parker (can you say break?) and juggling doctors visits with nap and shopping can some times be monotonous, but at the end of the day the giggles and stress turn into small memories that lead to my kids childhood. So I will suffer the momentary lack there of in "Dana" filled activities to enjoy the here and now for my kids. Time will tell what trouble I can get into after my boys are off and running.
Today has passed and I am already packing snacks for tomorrow keeping my sense of humor and making the best of the best.
It's 3:30pm is today over YET!