Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Science Center 2009

Took the boys to the California Science Center for a day of fun.
They had a blast and here are the pictures to prove it.

We ate lunch in the rose garden and the boys took some cute pictures. Look quick cause it about two seconds they will be screaming at each other.

This picture cracks me up cause if you look really close Parker is actually holding a butterfly at gunpoint with a Lego toy he brought and Coco's innocence is slowly disappearing.

The boys did this awesome hands on about the brain and how it affects the way your body moves. They had to catch this ball and then try again with these crazy goggles on that messed with their vision. When they had the goggles on they would literally try to catch the ball with a 3 second delay. Funny to watch plus the goggles are key.
Cohen called this listening to the wind

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Spring pictures are her and they are deceiving. Look how happy and well these kids look. It was a "my bad" day for Mom. I went shopping for these Boys to Men Easter outfits earlier in the day while both the boys were in school. 
I picked up Parker and we went over to the park, by the way it was pretty hot outside. Cohen is on antibiotics for double ear infections, but was seemingly recovered. Cohen kept saying "my tummy hurts" during the photo shoot.
 OK, here is how it is when you get both your kids clean enough to take pictures and have enough energy to take them some place with ducks and water and try to convince them to sit still, smile and look at you. IT IS GONNA HAPPEN and they WILL look happy about it. 
I kept saying "a few more pictures baby" I thought he was having an upset tummy due to the antibiotics. 
Well we get home and later that evening my Mom came over for a bit and he literally projectile's all over her. Now, the funny part is if you read on to the next recent post you will see a picture of my Mom with baby crap all over her. She just can't catch a break. 
I felt like such a Mommy Dearest for making him smile and look like he did not want to puke. Look at the picture below poor sick baby.

brave funny face
Oh my gosh he's gonna blow

Happy Easter from the sickie Stockbridges

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Ode to Falcon Ave.
My sister is moving soon and I will miss seeing her everyday 7 min apart clocked
Now it will be 45 and sad
can't wait for built in BBQ's, skate park days, swimming, tennis matches, inter-net play dates and the 5th bedroom

This is why we have Tutu change all the diapers!!!!
"Mom you look like crap"
The funny thing is NO one was helping her. I ran to get the camera and my sister was pointing and laughing. You can't see, but it is literally dripping off her elbow.

Tee Pee for my bung hole...um enough said
Coco and Rocky Road what a pair
This is a Saturday in the Stockbridge backyard. I turned around for two seconds and here was Cohen and let's just say the dog also needed a bath.
I LOVE this picture! I have no idea what he was doing, but he looks so deep in thought.
Cohen had a Mommy's appreciation Day at his pre-school the other day and it was ADORABLE. He was chosen to hold the m in Mommy and sing me a special song. He was so proud of himself so, YES I cried tears of joy.
Parker's teeth are finally growing in and they are abnormally LARGE. Maybe his face will grow.
All the kids are getting SO big
Here is my Mom with all her Grandbabies
Parker at Disneyland