Saturday, December 25, 2010

YAY!!! It's come and gone

Christmas was awesome!
The kids got almost everything on their list (within reason) and Nana and Grandpa spent the day with us after my Mom got to watch the boys open their gifts via Skype. Gotta love technology.
The paper jams and Buzz Light year wings were a hit along with the foot pedal bikes and yes Cohen got a metal detector. It was GREAT!
Hope yours was happy and full of love and laughter
New Years pictures to come.

Okay maybe it is meant to be

Proof that this is NO accident!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Okay Cohen is killin it tonight.

The Dinner Table
(side note) Cohen will do whatever it takes to get to desert including hiding food, claiming the dog ate it (by the way we have no dog) and procrastination, my personal favorite.
Tonights method PROCRASTINATION.
He is always last to finish and I believe his thought process is something like. If I wait long enough it will seem like I ate it and if I keep asking for treats they will finally get fed up and give it to me. Nice try Cohen.

Tonight it was: "Mommy?" I gave him a sideways look as if to say don't even try it kid and his reply was.
"I'm not gonna ask you for desert because ... (LONG pause) Mom? I love you"

So sneaky
Needless to say Taco was finished and his powers were no good on me. I am the ultimate cute defender. We will see if my powers are strong enough for tomorrows adorable behavior.


Cohen just told me Parker was being shellfish ...

Ummm ... I think he meant selfish.

I am pretty sure Santa does not like either, almost positive he likes a giving nature and he's a cookie man.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I was just thinkin

There are a million pictures in between the few I choose, and this is an ode to the pictures I love to take and the family and friends that deserve to be in them.
I was thinking as I was going through my photos tonight how my computer is not only a great means of communication, but really a storage space for so many important memories I have colleted over the years. I am so thankful for all of the people I have loved and places I have been in my life. I realized looking through these pictures how prevalent, at moments, you are pertinent in someones life. I hope it is documented forever how much I love my family and the people in it. Merry Christmas and I love you all.