Saturday, January 15, 2011

Extra Pic I forgot

This is a pic I forgot, but LOVED!

Creative Pics

ADVENTURE (nightmare, er I mean) PLAYGROUND

Okay what a beautiful day!
We drove to Berkeley and went to this awesome place called Adventure Playground.
Well, adventure playground is an out of the ordinary play area for kids and adults alike.
There are many "structures" to climb on and tons of ways to express how creative you can be.
They also ... get this ... hand out hammers, nails, saws, and PAINT. There are work benches and the kids are totally allowed to contract tetanus, almost cut off limbs, hammer their thumbs and all the while give their parents mini strokes by doing it all dripping in red paint that many times is mistaken for blood. Awesome stress free Saturday!
It was totally cool and my kids and Mom and Dad all walked away having had a GREAT time and with all our limbs intact.
PS The kids LOVED IT!
They even had a zip line that goes super fast into a huge pile of cement hard sand ... FUN!

After we tested the waters of sanity we walked the pier in the Berkeley Marina.
I got the most killer pictures.

PS look closely for a Cohen joke by a telling picture.

In this music area you could bang on all this stuff and compare all the different noises. They even had the inside of a piano attached to a block of wood and the kids were running sticks across it. Totally fun!

"Mom, take my picture. Look I stand corrected!"
I love you Cohen

The boys are getting so big and
Parker is so fun to take beautiful pictures of.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Deep thoughts by Cohen

Cohen had some homework today so we got right down to it.

TASK: Pick a room in the house and name the furniture in it.

Cohen chose the living room and I said
"okay go for it, start by naming everything in this room"

Cohen was thinking really hard.
Meanwhile I am wondering what the heck in taking him so long ... c'mon dude sofa, chair, coffee table...

Cohen looks up and says...

"I know ... SYLVIA"

I guess Cohen decided he needed a hair cut

So I was in the kitchen doing the last of the dishes. Andy was working in the office. Ever so gently I feel a slight tug on my pant leg. I turn around to see this...
and Cohen says.
"Well, I cut my bangs. Don't worry Mom I will tell Miss Helen (his pre-school teacher) it's still Cohen."
"ummmm" I said
"I am pretty sure she will still recognise you Cohen, but A. Not okay to play with scissors B. We leave hair cutting to people who know how to do it C. You missed a few spots and D. C'mon I am going to show you my baby book of when I chopped of my hair in the toy box."
Stage 1
Tears, sorry Mama

Satge 2
It's okay Cohen you look kinda funny
Stage 3
Mommy fixes it
Stage 4
will get us by until we can make it to supercuts

How we work

This is another good reason why Parker homeschools

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The New Year Trip To Tahoe hello 2011

The new year is here! Hello 2011
Mom, Dad and the boys + 1 (Mr. DJ) came with us on our
New Years trip to Tahoe.
The snow was AMAZING the highest I can remember it ever being, even having lived in Tahoe for a short time a LONG time ago. The kids had a blast sledding and just playing in general. We took a drive to So. Shore to do an arcade day, but basically we played in the back yard and at Granlibakken. Making ice cycle swords and having snowball fights galore was the major attraction.
The cabin we have spent vacations at since before our marriage (the hide a bed incident) is going on the market this year, so we made a concerted effort to really spend our time together this trip appreciating all of the wonderful memories the cabin has brought to our family.
The pictures below are somewhat of an homage to the Bonanza cabin 1970-2011