Friday, January 11, 2008

Happy New Yizear

HAPPY 2008

Just A Blogger


This is what Christmas looked like in our house. Laughter and SOOOOO much fun this year. We stayed home FINALLY and took each other in until finally it was time for reality again. Andy got the drum set he has been wishing/begging for seven and a half years later and no more quiet garage. Parker got his bike and new razor scooter. I don't have the mommy guts to put him on a skate board. Andy already wants him to ride his new bike with a mouth guard. Cohen got his little Einsteins Rocket Ship and all I hear is Annie and June, Annie and June. Mommy got the hard wood floor vacuum (you know you are OLD and a MOM when you ask for a vacuum for Xmas) and the handbag I wanted. SOOOOOOOOOO BLESSED!!!!!!!!!! Not just with STUFF, but with each other. I know cliche, but SO true. It was SO sad when Andy had to go back to work and Parker to school (kinda), but the new year had to come and new goals and a fresh start was to be made.

IT'S 2008